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studio for good⋅looking & well⋅being


advanced haircuts energyflow bodywork & tranZformation guidance


good•looking starts with a perfect haircut that is easy to handle & reflects your style


the next level of well•being
comes with a perfect energy flow


let me support you tranZform
your personal & professional life

advanced haircuts

stay well tranZformD for at least 6 weeks without using a blowdryer!
precise classic & modern cutting techniques make it possible

tranZformd - haircut
tranZformd - haircut

energy•flow bodywork

a perfect flow of energies is essential for our well•being

my massage will help your body getting rid of old patterns & emotions and bring back the natural flow of power and energy making you feel fresh and relaxed in a healthy balance ❤️

tranZformation guidance

getting through life with ease • finding our focus  doing things we love with success
are the key elements to happiness & to create that with you is my mission❣️

pass with a kiss 💋

everyone can learn how the KISS principle and the PositiveAttitudeSuperStrategy will help you go through life with comfort & ease …

get on point 🎯

finding our focus can be difficult specially for creative people! let me move you to success and vitalise your focus with easy methods!

do ya thing 💪

you already found your passion or still searching for it? you wanna bring your idea to life and need some creative support? here i am for you!


i love to see people happy! thats why i want to support you tranZform your
personal & professional life to improve your good•looking & well•being

be george

feelgood artist & tranZformation guide

book a date


arillas – corfu – greeche


(+49) 1525 70 55 911